When is the best time to prune trees

At the beginning of March, when the threat of severe frosts has passed, young pome fruit trees (apple and pear trees) are pruned. They have the earliest sap flow, so pruning begins with them. In April, they work with most other fruit trees, including stone fruit orchards (apricot, cherry, cherry)Feb 11, 2020

When can trees be pruned for winter?

Trees can be pruned in winter even at temperatures belo w-5°C. Taking into account the region and weather conditions, in some places in Ukraine this procedure can be performed in any winter month, but preferably before mid-February.

When is tree pruning done?

When is the best time to prune trees? Practice shows that spring pruning (in January-March, before budding) stimulates the growth of fruit trees, and autumn pruning promotes the formation of fruit buds, although it slightly reduces the winter hardiness of the tree.

When to prune trees in the fall or spring?

Most professionals agree that pruning trees in spring is the best decision. If the temperature is still close to zero and the sun is already active, then fruit trees are still dormant. But their bark is already becoming plastic and pliable, which allows for pruning with minimal damage.

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